Sunday, 30 March 2008

Blogger Bother

Hello again, well after Saturday's rant and resultant feeling of self rightousness I was brought back to Earth with a bump on Sunday. Not sure how or why it has happened, but my 'Image Reference' account appears to have been used by someone else and for some time. I can only think it's happened at work, but even then, how?. I've been getting emails to the associated email account which I automatically just put down to spam, so normally delete them straight away, but by chance happened to open one and it had my psuedonym but didn't relate to anything I had knew about and I then discovered that many more comments that I wasn't aware of.
Anyway, I've susequently changed all my details and email address for that account (not my tiscali one, it stays the same) to something really obscure in a hope of thwarting whoever might have done this. I bemused to say the least as it's not like it was a bank account and so they could gain something from this. It's so easy to set up your own account for free. Anyway I hope it's resolved now as I will continue to vent my over inflated spleen.


Doctor Pangloss said...

I don't know what an image reference account is. Sounds really technical.

The Laird of Greater Dulwich Heights said...

Being East of the meridian you wouldn't be expected to understand such things.